Thursday, December 20, 2012

Life's Challenges - Original Poem

Sometimes it's not easy,
You just need to keep on trying.
Life's full of challenges,
You just have to accept them.
When they come,
And make you stop for a moment,
Re-think your plan.
Just trust another,
Love while you still can,
Never let the world's cruel words
Keep you on the ground.
If you love another,
Look at what you'll find.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mirrors - Original Poem

Some people say mirrors are bad luck,
But only once broken.
Others believe mirrors are wonderful,
But only if they like what they see in them.
Mirrors are just mirrors to me.
I've never thought of them
Any differently than a table.
Tables aren't good or bad luck,
Mirrors are just mirrors.
Face your image with pride,
Try to ignore the insecurities that lurk in your mind.
Realize that a mirror is a mirror,
Your face will never be ugly enough to shatter it,
The image you see looks even better to others,
Especially to those who care.
Just a mirror.
Don't go all crazy.
Look into it and accept the truth.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Random Story Starter I Made A While Ago

The morning light threw fresh beams of light onto my face as the sun rose above the window's ledge. My mind woke as the sunlight warmed my body. I figeted and then stayed perfectly still, enjoying the moments before reality hit. Then, with a deep breath, a sigh, and a huge stretch, I opened my eyes to a bright new day.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Weird Love - Original Poem

When two weirdos
Like you and I
Fall into mutual weirdness,
That becomes a strange type of love
We both cannot deny.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Caring - Original Poem

Never before did I care so much,
I wouldn't sit worrying about someone
Until they responded to a message.
Now if he drives himself home
And fifteen minutes of silence pass
After he should be home,
I want to go and drive to him,
Just to make sure he got home safely.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

I Am Weird And I Know It

"Not often do people stop and want to get to know me, but once they do they tend to enjoy getting to know me better. I may not seem normal, but that is because I am not. I don't hide who I am because others don't like me; I don't stop doing something because someone else didn't have the nerve to be seen doing it; I don't not write or say something because others believe it is a stupid thing to do. For if I let others rule me - How could I be sure of what was me? And how would I know what was someone else?"
-Alyssa Hellenbrand-

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Guy With Green Eyes:

  • Caring
  • Lovable / Loving
  • Attractive
  • Well-Mannered
  • Skillful
  • Trustworthy / Trusting
  • Passionate
  • Ambitious

My Love - Original Poem

Beautiful eyes filled with laughter,
I love it when they look at me.
Gentle hands meant for holding,
I love it when they hold me.
A gentleman's manners so wonderfully kind,
I love it when they are for me.
Your wonderful smile so pure and warm,
I love it when it's there for me.
Basically what I'm trying to say:
I love everything about you.

From your head to your toes,
You are perfect.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"Cry for the loss, but never forget the happy memories that will turn the tears into a smile." - Alyssa Hellenbrand

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Trust Your Heart - Original Poem

Be who you wanna be,
Always stand tall,
Trust where your heart is,
Never take the fall.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time With You - Original Poem

Memories of old,
Events of today,
Thoughts of tomorrow.
No matter where my mind is,
You are always there.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Friday, September 28, 2012

"Be who you wanna be, always atand tall, trust where your heart wants to be, never take the fall." -Alyssa Hellenbrand

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friends Forever? - Original Poem

Friends forever, that's what we always said...
Friends forever, that's what was agreed on...
So why is it that we are struggling now?
Why can't the world go easy on us?
Why can't the world just understand
How important our friendships with each other are?

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We Can Grow - Original Poem

If you let me,
I will grow with you,
If I let you,
You can grow with me.
If fate allows,
We can grow together,
Strong and free
In our faith with each other.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

My Innocence - Original Poem

Never before
And never again
Will I experience you and I
With my total and complete
The time is now to be me,
It's time for you to know me
And for me to know you.
You will be the death of my
But the start of a happier me,
A me open to others
In a way like never before
And never again.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

You and Me - Original Poem

It's a miracle that I've found you,
I'm amazed that you want me.
Please don't let me walk away
Because I'm not ready to go.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

I Am Crazy - Original Poem

Emotions are crazy,
So am I,
If you love me,
You will have to try
To ignore my crazy
Or let it flow.
Become crazy
Or let me go.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

My Feelings For You - Original Poem

Even though I hold part of me,
Hidden away in the depths of my soul,
My feelings for you are strong and true.
If I were a tree you would be my Earth,
You are the oxygen in my lungs now
And I don't think I can let you go.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

My Key - Original Poem

The feelings I thought were lost
Are now again remembered
As you open locked doors
That never had a key.
Sometimes I sit and wonder
What you've done to me.
Then I decide to just go with it,
I don't want to loose my key.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

My Memories With You - Original Poem

The moments I've forgotten
Are gone for a reason,
The memories I can't forget
I hope will be here to stay.
Yet memories often fail me
As time wears them away,
No one stays the same for long
And then before I know it they're gone.
So when I take these photos
Or write down how I feel,
I'm not trying to obsess over you
I just want to remember how this feels.
I want to remember the first talk
All the way to the last one,
But my memories tend to fail me
So let me do what I do
So that I can remember you.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Relationship - Original Poem

He is kind,
He is sweet,
He will never miss a beat.
We will smile,
We will talk,
We will go for a very long walk.
I will cry,
I will sigh,
I will never stop wondering why.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, September 3, 2012

Another Year - Original Poem

The hustle and bustle,
Shouts that echo through the rooms,
People hugging and laughing,
Thus starts another year
Of learning and growing
Stronger so that someday we may
Confront the world that lay in wait.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Bright New Spark - Original Poem

Dr. Suess would say my heart grew ten times it's size this month,
Yet I wouldn't be alive if that had happened,
So I would rather like to think of this month as finally opening my eyes
And now I can see the happiness I was missing
All those sad days when I needed a friend
But the reason I was sad was because I had lost my friend I could talk to -
Now I can escape that happening again.
Because now I have someone new in my life,
A bright new spark urging me slowly into a very happy place.
If this was a fairytale there would be singing and animals,
And we would be happy forever.
Real life is not quite like that,
I may end up with my heart brutally crushed after this new spark goes away.
For now I refuse to worry about that,
Today is another happy day when my heart is content.
That will have to work for now.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, August 27, 2012

Myself in Time - Original Poem

Time is flying past,
A blur is currently all I see.
Soon the time is going to just stop,
It will take the wind from inside of me.
Becoming someone new,
That is never something easy to do.
I guess it's a good thing then,
That it's not something I plan to do.
Finding myself inside of time,
It simply cannot be done
For if it was then wouldn't I be
Lost outside of time?

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Past to Future - Original Poem

The past never changes
We can't change the
It's time to look to the
Just as the future looks back at
Us in the past.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Friends change, yet that doesn't mean we have to change with them." - Alyssa Hellenbrand

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Uncle Dave's Passing

A consuming shadow lurks overhead
Slowly it reaches down and strikes one dead
The living ones are left to mourn the loss of their friend,
A father to some and grandpa to others.
Too early had that shadow come,
Yet the pain was not so strong
We had all seen it coming for some time
Now we sit and mourn my dear Uncle Dave.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, July 30, 2012

Moving Day - Original Poem

Shuffle around as another passes by,
Make room while friends come
And ask to help lift something.
Then everyone's waiting around
As the couch is carried away.
It blocked the path,
But we made it past soon enough.
Soon we're driving down the road.
Caution lights flashing,
We drove quite slow.
Dressers and beds
And miscellaneous items all boxed up,
Six vehicles drove to town.

Then the shuffling began again,
More asking if they can help,
We wait for something to carry in
And the couch is once again
In the way.
Every item in the room,
Now it's time to re-arrange.
Hours pass and soon they go.
Leaving me, my brother, and his girlfriend.
We unpacked boxes and found
Where each item should go.
Dusting and cleaning came then.

That was my brothers first
Moving day.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


My future is spinning
Every day now.
College is just around the
And I'm scared.
What new
Lay in wait?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My World - Original Poem

While countless others are sitting near
Someone they cannot bear to loose,
I sit here wishing
I wasn't about to lose
The one I cannot bear to loose.

Often feeling different and somehow not correct,
I seem outside of other teen life
And my world seems like
Another world,
Unlike theirs,
Maybe that is where I am.

The one I love does not know,
Life with me is rather slow and has no
Exciting trips to the beach
Or fascinating adventures around the world.
I don't understand that life.

So am I not normal,
Or are others just faking these memories?
Could they really be just like me,
Is it possible that they are bored and scared,
Do they worry about never letting
The one they love know?

My world is so different.

Or is it just the truth,
Where others' worlds are a lie?

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Confusion - Original Poem

Emptiness engulfs my
Sometimes I need to
Run Away
From the confusion and
In order to think clearly again.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Living to Dying - Original Poem

Living, Growing.
Emerging from the Earth.
Falling, Dying.
Returning to the Earth.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Thursday, June 28, 2012

So Worry Free - Original Poem

Watching my rats,
So worry free
And happy.
I enjoy
And thinking,
Knowing life
Will never be that way
For me.
Not anymore,
Now I have a job,
College soon approaches,
And around every
Corner -
Worries are common,
They tend to fill a mind.
If only
Those worries,
That stress,
And all of those headaches
Would just go away.
Then I could feel that way,
So worry free,
And happy.
All over again,
As if I was
A child
Once more.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Not Accepting The Truth - Original Poem

While I know the truth,
It is never easy to face.
I much prefer turning around,
And refusing to accept my fate.
This is stupid, however,
Confronting it would be better,
Being able to change it would be best.
Yet I still stand with my back to the fence
That separates my mind from the truth.
Whether this fence is stubbornness,
Ignorance, or just stupidity,
That does not matter,
Not while it protects my bliss.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Haunted - Original Poem

Haunted houses,
Dying trees,
A creepy fog,
Old cemeteries,
The place to have fun.
As long as you do not fear,
The living dead having their own fun.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, June 25, 2012

Those Eyes, That Smile - Original Poem

Those brown eyes tear into me,
Yet they seem to miss my own.
That smile seems to understand me,
Yet it does not always come for me.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Confront Your Enemies - Original Poem

Raging winds tore at my hair -
Standing still was no easy task,
Yet moving would insure my demise.
One way led me over the cliff edge,
Another path would send me into enemy arms,
The final path would lead me to open lands.
One option seemed more appealing than the rest,
But I had seen another make that mistake before.
You run from the problem at hand,
Eventually it will catch back up,
And then it takes you down with vicious strength.
My mind was made up,
I would not run from my problem,
Confronting it seemed the only smart choice,
So I took a step forward and inhaled.
This was my path now,
In enemy arms,
Where I would have to learn,
Better myself until I understood my error,
And then -
And only then -
Would I be able to step away from my enemy.
Yet it would no longer be my enemy,
And I would have another new one to beat.
Thus is the pattern of life.
Yet having one after another seems better,
Especially when the other option is:
Let all of your problems combine,
Strengthen themselves and grow.
Confront your fears and enemies today,
And although you will see this situation again soon,
It would be in your best interest not to delay.
Move forward,
Become better than you are,
Grow into one you can be proud of,
Someone you enjoy seeing in the mirror.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Saturday, June 23, 2012

TeenInk VIP!

What makes you happy? Food, exercise, animals, books, electronics? Well, those can all make me happy, but this may have just made my day! Today I checked my e-mail and this was the first thing I saw.

Dear Alyssa,
Congratulations! You have just become a Teen Ink VIP. This is a special designation for contributors with many submissions, posts, contributions or have received many votes and high ratings over a long period of time. We hope you will continue to contribute to and maintain your VIP status. Congrats,Teen Ink Staff

I'd say that was a nice little afternoon gift.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Horseback Riding - Original Poem

An afternoon breeze,
The soft nicker of a horse,
Impatient pawing at the dirt,
Then -
A harsh flow of wind,
The bouncing up and down,
From a trot to a gallop,
Finally feeling free,
A magical moment for me.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, June 18, 2012

TeenInk (More Publishings)

I now have four published poems on I hope you take a look and let me know what you think. These poems are all ones featured previously on this blog, so do not be disappointed when you read works you may have already seen. I have three other poems pending approval from TeenInk editors, as well, so when those are approved and published, I will post more links. (These three are not on my blog) Thank you for your time and interest, I hope you come back to my blog again soon.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

So Plain To See - Original Poem

When all is said and done,
So much is still left unsaid.
When everyone is satisfied,
No one is happy the way they are.
Even though we may say something,
Most of the time we mean the opposite.
Although many realize this,
Not one person seems to understand it.

We ask if something is wrong,
And even as we see them wipe away tears,
They say they're fine -
And we accept that they are fine then.

Someone is biting their tongue,
They are asked if they would like to say something -
Shy - they say no and withhold their thought.
Everyone just moves on.

How can we all be so blind?
We know what we're seeing,
Most of us know they're hiding,
Yet we do nothing and let them be.

When all a friend means by,
"I'm fine" is that they want a hug
Or that they really need someone to talk to,
We know that's what they mean.
But we accept that they must be fine
Because they told us they were,
Even when it's plain to see that they are not.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Friday, June 15, 2012

TeenInk Published Poems I Submitted!

I have published two poems on TeenInk, a national literary magazine, and I would love if you would check them out. Also, I have five more currently pending approval, so I hope you'll see those when they're set up on the website. Thanks.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What if? - Original Poem

None could tell of how he fell,
Long ago he had been known as a rebel.
But he had righted his wrongs,
He had made amends to whom those amends belonged.
Late at night he must have not seen,
Maybe he had even tripped on his jeans.
Somehow he had fallen over the cliff,
The only question now is what if?
What if someone murdered him that night,
What if he had gotten into a fight?
How he died we may never know,
But in my mind the possibilities will forever flow.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Your Smile - Original Poem

Your smile lights up a room,
The way you laugh erases my sorrows,
Or at least for until tomorrow.

Tell me you love me, please.
Let me know exactly what to think.
My mind has gotten a hold on me,
And it's bossing me around.
Thought of you nearly drives me to the ground.
Because you're leaving.
And I'm staying.

Your smile lights up a room,
The way you laugh erases my sorrows,
Or at least for until tomorrow.

How about a hug now?
I need some comfort.
Maybe it sad to hear me this desperate,
But you won't stay out of my mind.
I need you to understand,
I need for you to at least care.

Your smile lights up a room,
The way you laugh erases my sorrows,
Or at least for until tomorrow.

Sounds kinda cheesy,
I know.
You'd think this would be easy,
And you have no idea,
So clearly it's not.
Just promise me that before you go,
You'll let me know,
How you feel about me.

Your smile lights up a room,
The way you laugh erases my sorrows,
Or at least for until tomorrow.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tear Drops - Original Poem

Dripping down,
Sliding across the uneven floor,
Tear drops scatter
And form different paths
In hopes of finding a better past.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happiness In the Air - Original Poem

A smile, a laugh,
The gentle caress of a loving hand.
Feelings of friendship
Rushing through the air.
It's a wonderful time when happiness is here,
No one dares dampening my mood -
For to do so would mean they were a fool.
A new friend was made,
Other friends of old were around,
The cheerful mood drove us 'round.
We had a wonderful night,
Celebrated the mood,
And stayed that way until late afternoon.
Then we tired,
Some headed home,
Finally only a few were left.
Yet the mood remained energized,
No one grew angered,
And as the night grew old,
A new feeling awakened.
One of old,
One that sent shivers down two backs,
For both felt it now.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Untold Past - Original Story Excerpt

After Ronald and my dad woke up we all went outside. I thought maybe we were going to go eat somewhere, but instead my dad lead us towards the woods that were conveniently located directly behind the hotel we were staying at. I wonder if that could have been one of the reasons we got a room here. After I thought about it, I realized it was probably the main reason.
After we had walked through the woods for a few minutes in silence - me tripping over almost every fallen branch - we arrived in a large clearing. It was surrounded by trees that had brambles and various other bushes closing the gaps between the tree trunks. I scanned the edges of the clearing and found no other opening other than the one we had just come through.
No one would disturb us here.
Teresa walked into the middle of the clearing with her twins closely trailing her, she crouched down low to the ground with her chest almost touching the ground, then she started to shake and in a heartbeat she was gone. In her place was a sandy colored wolf. I stared in awe, would I ever be able to change so easily? I’m not even sure if I will be able to change the first time.
But today I will try.
  And I hope I don’t fail.

  Everyone else had been training for half an hour before my dad finally put down his foot and said I had to try. Even if I didn’t try to change, I had to learn to defend myself. So he pulled me out of the shade of the trees and stopped in the middle of the clearing.
Everyone was watching me.
And I had no idea what I had to do. I looked around and saw Ronald walking towards me - my dad was no where in sight. “Laviette. Are you ready?”
I swallowed, “For what?” I hated how my voice shook, but there was nothing I could do about that. My entire body was shaking even though I hadn’t done - or seen - anything yet. Then I realized it wasn’t because I was scared. Ronald looked me in the eye and smiled.
“Are you ready for the change?”
“,” A spasm shook me and I yelped, “But I guess I have to be, huh?”
“Yea.” Then he sat down about three feet from me and started to explain what was happening, but I didn’t hear him. Another spasm had taken over me and I was panting, I collapsed down on all fours and prayed the pain would go away. My spine felt as if it was being ripped out of me while the rest of my body felt as if it was on fire.
Then the spasm receded and I looked up at Ronald. He offered me a smile and shook his head. “Your body has been waiting for this opportunity for months. Even though you probably didn’t know it was being held at bay, your body knew to hold the change back until you were safely secluded.”
“How could my body know something I didn’t know?”
But he just shook his head and laughed. “You’d be surprised, your body is going to prove to you over the next few months just how much more it knows that you’re going to not understand.”
“An example?”
“It knows how to be a wolf.”
I nodded, “And I only know how to be a human. Well I’m glad my body can help m-” I screamed and collapsed on the ground. If I had thought I had been in pain before, then what I now experienced was another feeling all together. As I lay, writhing in pain, black stars started to float around my vision. The stars grew and grew until they became so monstrous that they clouded every last speck of light.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~
"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Write Down How You Feel - Original Poem

Write down how you feel,
The memories an endless peel,
Feelings of the past and present,
Will make you regret you forgot
To write down every word,
Until your soul was perfectly matched
With the Earth.
So do not be shy,
Write down how you feel.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Punctuation Matters...It Also Saves Lives

Do you remember those days when your english teacher was droning on and on about proper punctuation and you zoned her out? Well, maybe it was more important that you originally thought it was...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

2012 - Hopefully This Is Not The End

They had better not be gone. Today was a very emotional day and I knew I would cry as I did. I had planned on wishing people luck and saying goodbye to those I may truthfully never see again, but when I saw the graduates walking to the front of the school I just lost it and started crying even harder. Therefore, I left...and I will now have to wish all of you from the now graduated class of 2012 - good luck and I hope to see you again.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tears for the Seniors - Original Poem

Emotions are brewing and tears prepare themselves,
Today is significant for now the Seniors leave,
Loosing friends to the world past me,
Moving though the day and waiting.
Tears will flow,
That much I know,
But when, where, and why
Will only be answered when the time comes.
Charish these memories of those that now take their leave,
Remember the friends, crushes, and memories,
For soon they may depart.
Bowing out of my life as they take a step away,
A step forward into the real world.
The final bell looms over our heads now,
And with it I believe the self-control will dissolve.
Tears will rush down their owner's cheeks.
Will they remember me?
I sure do hope so and I know I will remember them.
These are my tears for the Seniors.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Everything - Original Poem

Finally figuring it out,
I'm not at all a loser like they said,
They were wrong and I am not ugly,
My voice should be heard and not hidden,
Popularity in high school doesn't actually mean
Maybe now they will figure it out,
They will see that I am actually a fun person,
I am beautiful inside and out,
My voice is wonderful because it loves being honest,
And although I am a weirdo by others' standards I believe I am
Now don't get me wrong and think I'm full of myself,
I just want to show the world that I will no longer back down
From the overwhelming pressure to be someone other than myself,
I can now write the things I feel and the world does listen,
You are my proof that someone in fact may care about my

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Ears - Original Poem

Listen up, now,
Listen with your ears,
They'll tell you of my secrets,
Unless they are full of earwax,
Listen up, now,
Don't pearce your earlobes until you know,
Listen up, now,
Your ears will tell you why.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brand New - Original Poem

Starting to love myself again is such a wonderful feeling,
Starting to believe that my life will continue improving,
A wonderful thing to believe, a wonderful to love to feel.
I am proud of what I can do now,
Proud enough to let you know,
Happy enough to share with the world,
I am practically brand new!

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Confused - Original Poem

One side dealt with, one side bran' new.
Some feelings handled, some have run amiss.
Now I must sit and wonder, now I must figure it all out.
My feelings are jumbled, my feelings are true.
I do not lie in my writing, I do not fake myself.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Thank You Loyal Followers

Thank you to all of those who keep coming back to my blog. I just started blogging not even three months ago and already I have over 200 views on this blog alone! To my loyal followers, your presence means so much more than you know. Thank you and I look forward to your next visit.

Monday, May 28, 2012

I Wanted To Know - Original Poem

Screams fill my mind,
I punish my stupidity,
Knowing very well it would happen,
Someone would understand
And it could easily spread.
Why do I do this?
I never want someone to know,
Then I lay the clues out,
All neat and in a row.
I am not desperate for attention,
I guess parts of me just wanted to know
What would be said if you understood,
And now somebody knows.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, May 27, 2012

One-Way Love, For You Do Not Know - Original Poem

I can't watch you go,
Yet stopping you would be wrong.
I love you too much to see you leave,
You don't even know of my feelings for you.
I love you!
That should mean so much,
But I have not the guts to say it to your face.
If only you could read this
And know it was wrote for you.
I do not want the wrong person to think, though,
That this was meant for them.
I do not think you will read this,
And even if you do,
I have kept my feelings decently hidden,
So I suppose the last few encounters...
They will have to do.
After all,
You will be gone soon,
I have no doubt of that.
Many big plans fill your mind,
Plans to better the world and to create something new.
You draw the houses so well,
Your hand writing says more than just words,
And although you seem not to know,
I have recently learned,
Just how much I love you.
Love is a strong word,
That I know.
Yet I still use it because I believe it is true.
You have always drawn my attention.
Unique, kind, and understanding.
You have patience so many seem to lack.
Uncaring about what others will think,
You do what you want,
Do not let the world judge you.
And for that,
I love you.
Or I should say I love you more.
I want you to know,
But my courage lacks,
So I guess all I can now do
Is hope you learn of my feelings...
Before it is too late.
And too late approaches soon,
Like the morning rays,
They start slowly,
Then before you know it,
They are high above you and the time rushes past.
I believe that is how time has become.
My senior year approaches,
Yours draws to an end.
You plan for college,
Somewhere far from near.
What can I do now?
I believe I can do little...
Wish the best for you and hope you achieve greatness,
Knowing you have it in you,
Believing by what I have already seen,
That greatness is not far off,
Just as our time together -
Without really being together,
Grows to a close.
Farewell is coming soon and I dread it's appearance,
But I have to stay strong through it.
'There will be another' I remind myself half-heartedly.
Yet for now you appear to be the one,
The one I want so badly to be with.
I love you,
I almost wrote your name.
That is how much I want you to know.
But you never will.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Friday, May 25, 2012

My Future - Original Poem

Senior Year approaches...
My Junior Year is nearly at its end...
Terrifying to think about, really.
Yet I must think about it and plan.
Plans must be made for the future:
College, Jobs, and Other Activities.
My future could be incredible...
Or I could ruin it by ignoring its arrival...

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

I Hurt You - Original Poem

Believe in yourself,
Trust whatever you must
In order to make it
Through the countless times
That I hurt you.
Unavoidable -
That is what I tell myself.
But I know better,
I know every time I hurt you,
How I hurt you,
And yet I have no clue why.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, May 21, 2012

You Minus Abuse = A Better You - Original Poem

Scratch away the past,
Claw into the ones who hurt you,
Shy away from his touch,
And move forward a better you.
Do not let his touch ruin life,
Vengeance is not the solution for you,
Instead show him you are better,
Stronger and proud now - a better you.
Grow from the abuse,
Show those who are like you,
There is still hope for them,
Because they can now look up to you.
You minus the abuse,
That would equal a better you,
Someone to say,
"He will no longer hurt you!"

By: Alyssa Hellenbrand
"Until my last breath, I will search for some better way, a conclusion not thought of before." - Alyssa Hellenbrand

Monday, May 14, 2012

Smile or Cry? - Original Poem

Pain engulfs my every being,
Yet still I cannot show the world:
How it feels to be me.
Outside everyone sees me smile-
I laugh because it helps me cope.
My happiness you see is a false image,
Something I wish I would feel inside.
Through the deaths, neglect, and depression-
I smile and laugh like nothing is wrong.
Even when all hope is lost,
I continue moving forward-
Knowing my friends and family want me happy.
They know I want to give up and cry.
Continuing on is difficult,
It would be easier to just not try.
Moving on and forgetting the reasons I cry-
Not possible.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Lost - Original Poem

Endless moons was a lie,
He tried and tried but had to die.
I was left on Earth deep in sorrow,
Knowing he would not be back tomorrow.
Closer and closer we had grown,
Up until he became just bones.
His skin was sickly and pale near the end,
Right before he left my sight around the bend.
Thus is the remembrance of those I have lost.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Money - Original Poem

Cash is powerful,
Cash is emotional,
It is what society today revolves around.
Money is your house,
Money is your car,
It is what makes you more impressive to know.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Times - Original Poem

Times are difficult,
Life is hard,
Many paths stand strong,
And unwavering.
My future could be anything,
Now I guess it is time.
Time to learn
Time to decide
And I had better choose carefully.
My future could depend on what I decide,
Everything better...
Or worse,
Just because of one decision.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Secrets - Original Poem

Here's an old poem that I wrote a while ago. I'm not sure exactly what I was going through at the time, but I never write something unless it means something to me, so I decided that it may end up meaning something to someone else, too. And so here I am, I post this poem knowing it has flaws, but unwilling to change who I was. This is not a perfect poem, but I hope it strikes a cord inside of you and you like it for what it is - not what it could have been.

I lived a life,
And no one knew me
Except for one or two
Crazy People.
They’re my friends,
They’re the people that know me,
Can you say as much,
I didn’t think so,
Did you know that I cried
When you left me?
Of course not,
You’ve got better things to do!
I really miss you,
That I do.
But no one knows me,
Not even you.
But you think you do,
So many do.
Did you ever think that I might have a secret?
Did you ever hope,
That I’d come back?
I’m not commin back,
Not again,
But I’ll wish you luck
As you try to guess my secret.
Even though,
You’ll never know.
It’s not easily guessed,
Not all that common,
And not a happy one.
It locks me alone,
I can’t tell.
Or else.
Amazing how “Or Else” is always there, 
Always a threat,
Just like you.
You could be my death
If you only knew,
If you guessed my secret.
We’d both be dead,
Cold bodies on the tile floors.
Is that what you want?
Didn’t think so.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Creation VS Destruction - Original Poem

Creation cannot be the beginning,
For when one is created,
Whatever the created is made from
Is then no more.
For creation is destruction,
And it’ll destroy us all.
The more we create,
The more that fall.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Move Forward or Stay Behind? - Original Poem

Move forward or stay behind?
This is something I have always struggled to decide.
Am I to move forward?
Or am I here to stay?
I have to learn how to bend,
To move away from the past,
Without my world caving in on me.
The future seems clouded to me,
The past is clear.
The easier path is the past,
More difficult paths wind into the future,
A place I have to face sooner or later.
So, hey,
Why not?
I'll step forward into tomorrow
But I'll keep one foot in the past,
Allowing me to keep myself
Without completely secluding myself from the modern day.
So again I hear the question,
It rings in my ears and bounces around inside my head asking:
Move forward or stay behind?
And I finally have my answer!
I will do both,
At the same time.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Moving On - Original Poem

The memories are flowing,
Confusing the past and present,
Now I am caught unaware
By the changes in the people.

The cruel and two-faced
Are no longer the same.
Now I can trust them
And know I wont be ashamed.

Trust can be renewed,
Memories can be removed,
And best of all,
New memories can be made.

~Alyssa Hellenbeand~

Monday, April 30, 2012

I Sit Here - Original Poem

Hurting, shaking,
I sit at home,
Confused and lost.

Expectations, pressure,
I wonder what to do,
Unsure and afraid.

So instead of moving forward,
Progressing into the unknown,
I sit here thinking,
Worrying and emotionally distraught.

A friend who wants to be more,
A friend I feel no longer wants
To be a friend anymore.

Freedom is not always peace,
Peace is not always freedom,
And ignorance is never bliss.

At least it never has been for me.
Pain clouds my mind,
Pressure drives me over the edge.

So now I am too confused to decide,
Too scared of the unknown to take the step,
I sit here confused,
Pained by my back and ribs.

The heart is often a fool,
The mind often falls for the tool,
But I do not want to be a blind moron.

Sit here and wait,
Confront my fears,
Shed some tears.

Those are my options,
They are what I need to do,
Yet only two will happen now.

So now I need some time,
Time to think and mature,
I sit here maturing,
Realizing what I must do.

I must let go,
I must move forward,
And both of which I plan to do.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thoughts - Original Poem

Inside my head is swarming confusion,
The memories and emotions clashing
As I try to move forward,
One step at a time.
People call me thoughtless but how could that be?
When all I can do is think,
Imagine, believe, and remember.
Thoughts consume my everyday actions,
They rule what we say and do,
So thoughtless is impossible
Because all I am is thoughtful.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

What was it? - Original Poem

Sitting here, looking up modern poems,
Nothing strange occurs until
All of a sudden my ears ring,
My head sways side to side,
And my head feels as if it was filled with water.
Not only I was affected,
For upon looking back to my computer,
The screen had attained a green hue.
What was it?
You may ask me.
I will respond telling you of how a spirit haunts me.
Superstition rules my mind,
The ghosts slap me, they follow me round.
So I believe either the spirit hates me
And tried to hurt me,
Or it walked right through me,
Knowing I would be disoriented.
Haha, very funny,
I hope you do that no more.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You - Original Poem

Turn up your music,
Let down your hood,
Walk with your shoulders high,
Ignore the glances cast.
Just live,
Enjoy your life,
Walk away from the voices,
Now you are free, happy, and you.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Just Words - Original Poem

Ugly. Stupid. Weird.
Disgrace. Beautiful. Mean.
Nice. Strong. Weak.
How can I be all of those?
No one every stops being insulted,
People canot not judge.
But you know what?
None of those words matter
Until, of course, you decide they are true.
Then every moment you spent growing,
Forming you as you are,
Was a pathedic little waste of time.
So don't listen,
Maybe you are some of those,
Maybe not.
Take in the complements,
Erase the insults from your memory,
They never happened,
Unless you believed the words they were saying.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, April 23, 2012

I am a really unhappy person. Mostly due to the fact that no website can satisfy me need for a reflected capitol D. I hope I don't sound too strange to you by saying this, but seriously! I don't understand how a capitol D always reflects as a lower case one.  >:(

):<  ˙ǝuo ǝsɐɔ ɹǝʍoן ɐ sɐ sʇɔǝןɟǝɹ sʎɐʍןɐ p ןoʇıdɐɔ ɐ ʍoɥ puɐʇsɹǝpun ʇ,uop ı ¡ʎןsnoıɹǝs ʇnq 'sıɥʇ ƃuıʎɐs ʎq noʎ oʇ ǝƃuɐɹʇs ooʇ punos ʇ,uop ı ǝdoɥ ı ˙p ןoʇıdɐɔ pǝʇɔǝןɟǝɹ ɐ ɹoɟ pǝǝu ǝɯ ʎɟsıʇɐs uɐɔ ǝʇısqǝʍ ou ʇɐɥʇ ʇɔɐɟ ǝɥʇ oʇ ǝnp ʎןʇsoɯ ˙uosɹǝd ʎddɐɥun ʎןןɐǝɹ ɐ ɯɐ ı

Thanks to: for making this possible.

Friday, April 20, 2012

What's The Point? - Original Poem

Even when my hope is gone,
Even when I cannot stay strong,
You hold onto the belief that I can be better.
When I am collapsed,
When I am ready to die,
You hold onto me and make me better.
Through the good,
Through the worst imaginable,
You hold onto the bond we have and I know I can be better.
Knowing I can be better,
Knowing you can make me better,
You move in closer and make me realize how I can become better.
Together, we agree,
Together, we move forward,
You and I clasp hands and raise them high in the air, already better.
Once someone asked me, "What's the point?"
Once I had no answer,
You have given me the answer.
The point is that we can grow,
The truth is we can always improve,
You have shown me that, and now I tell you know.
When you wonder what the point is,
Well, look around,
You can become better for those around you, and for yourself as well.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stronger - Original Poem

This is who I am.
I’m that girl you always ignored.
I’m the one no one wanted to understand.
You just ran circles around me and laughed.

It has been years and I am sick of it.
Suddenly I am stronger and you can see me.
You try to laugh but it does not hurt anymore.
I have grown strong while you grew weak.

Now you stand ignored.
You expect me to run circles around you and laugh,
But the truth is...
I do not feel as if that would help anything.
You see my hesitation as weakness
And you gather your friends.
Every day you try to torment,
And Destroy
Who I really am,
But you cannot stop me from just being me.

I am not that pathetic
I will not let you attack me,
You cannot hurt me anymore.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Together We Can! - Original Poem

Sometimes the truth is just too much and you cave in,
Then you stand up, back straight, head held high,
And you face that truth.
Together with your friends and family, you see a light,
Together with your loved once, you beat down what hurt you,
Alone you heal, but with others at your side,
That healing is not such a terrible burden to have on your shoulders.
Because with others healing is possible where while alone you just sit and slowly come apart.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Dream or Want?

"What I don't get is why people allow time to change their dreams. If your dream changes every day or maybe every year, was it really even ever a dream? Or was it just something you wanted?" ~ Alyssa Hellenbrand

Monday, April 16, 2012

Others and I - Original Poem

When I say yes,
Others say no,
When I yell maybe,
Others want a better answer,
When someone tells me maybe,
I take it as it is.
So why do they always
Not like what I say or do?
~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Once someone told me to speak my mind...
Then someone told me to not say anything if I had nothing nice to say...
So now I am rather confused...
Writing isn't just a boring way for teachers to help us learn, it's not always something people are good at; but when you write for fun, something inside you clicks and you begin to relax. Once you start to relax, your mind opens and lets out how it feels - allowing your story or poem you are working on to hold so much more meaning than another may think.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Differences - Original Poem

No one there but you and I
Best friends forever,
That was a lie.
Now we are different
And our paths are winding away
From the deep, dark confusion
Standing in our way.
We shove aside the problems -
Just in time,
Yet there is always another wall
We are forced to shove aside
As we continue together.
Hold on!
I tell myself this often.
I know we can make it if we try.
Yet each day becomes a burden
And I feel as if I want to cry.
But hold back the tears,
Push through those fears,
Make the differences build us together,
And I deeply hope we make it through
Another December,
Just one more year.
Then I wish the same again,
Despite my deep fear
That one day soon
A fight will break free,
One that is powerful,
Strong and proud,
One we are unable to flee.
Our differences will become a landslide,
Throwing much weight on our shoulders,
Our friendship will be threatened,
Other friends will take sides.
Not wanting to loose them,
One of us will subside,
Saying the other is right,
Although they are not.
So friends we may remain,
Acquaintances more likely,
And our group remains together,
Although hostility often rises into the air.
Confusion is a problem,
We do not know how to remove,
So as we come together,
We really should not move.
Staying apart would be difficult,
Yet when the time comes,
It will be the right thing to do.
The challenge of  a lifetime.
The loss of a best friend.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

I Build Up Another Wall - Original Poem about me

When I feel scared or alone.
I build up a wall.
When I am hurting and cannot continue.
I build another wall.
When no one is there and I weep through the pain.
I build up a wall.
Then I am better.
I build another wall.

All I know is protecting myself,
I know not how to let my walls down.
People say, "Just relax," or, "Let loose."
But that never worked for me.
Because I had so many walls,
One right after another.
They provided me shelter from my issues,
Kept me safe from harm,
But they also locked me down,
Unable to trust another like I should,
Unable to move forward,
Instead of continuing backwards.
So I build up another wall.
I figure that should keep me safe for now,
It should allow me to continue,
And become better than I was.
One wall after another,
That is what I have become.
Nothing more,
Nothing less,
Just a bunch of walls,
Unable to collapse.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

UFO threat

Someone once asked why I wished a UFO would land on Earth. I responded by saying, "A UFO would cause people to stop fighting against eachother and instead work together to get rid of the alien threat."

Monday, April 2, 2012

Opossum - Original Poem

Crawling slowly past the barn,
There was an opossum.
Large and fat,
Teeth remaining hidden,
I hide in the doorway,
Too afraid to move,
It walked up the sidewalk
And therefore stranded me,
I dared not attempt to follow it,
Although it was my only path to the house,
I dared not threaten it,
Fearing the worst situations.
I called for help,
Wished I had a phone,
Then it escaped my vision,
Hidden in the dead of night,
It vanished,
Not to be found that night,
For even with the aid of flashlights,
My mother and I could not sight the marsupial.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Big Words :)

People reckon I'm too patronizing (That means I treat them as if they're stupid).


Okay, now as you should know if you in-fact do read my blog, I am currently writing a story about a girl trying to evade the Clan which is composed of people with special abilities. Now I must ask something, what would be some good descriptive words I could use to explain a place, time, or an overall appearance? Please comment below with some suggestions. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spirits - Original Poem

Whispering in my ear,
The past echoing in my mind,
My eyes see the spirits roaming now,
I smell the scent of Death,
Touching my shoulders if they need my help,
Spirits are they,
A never-ending mass they are,
Tied down to Earth by some pathetic desire,
I let them come to me and free them,
Then the whispering comes again,
Another's past in my mind,
I see another,
They touch my shoulder,
And it all starts again.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Snake - Original Poem

Run, scream, they're coming soon,
Plead, beg, get help, you fool,
Slither, shake, be gone you snake,
I have no need for you!

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Spring Soul - Original Poem

Trees awaken, they start to bloom,
Animals wake and find some food,
The birds fly back North from where they fled.
People go outside and enjoy the warmth,
While all the while around them I float,
I watch and listen but play no part,
My gaze rakes across the land
As trees now whisper and flowers now bloom,
My soul is stuck here, and that is all I am.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Temperamental Waves - Original Poem

Temperamental waves that wouldn't give,
That was the death of me,
Yet how did I come to reach this fate?
That only I know.
Yet I am dead and cannot tell,
Not of the smile that caught my eye,
You'll never know of the hands I loved to hold.
Never will you understand my pain when that smile left,
The hands withdrew,
Never to come back to me,
At least not after they touched me one last time,
Shoved me away,
Ment me no harm,
Then I fell off the cliff,
Her fearful wails of despair echoed with me,
Then my body hit the water,
Waves thrashed me to and fro,
My head was thrown against the cliff,
Body gone limp,
I released my hold upon my body,
My mind drifted then left the carcass
Of my body floating,
In the temperamental waves.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Excerpt (From My Original Story - Evading the Clan)

My lungs screamed, my heart beat fluttered, and my visioned blurred. Although I knew my energy was failing me and my body was giving up, I held onto what little consciousness I still had and clung on for dear life; even when my back rammed up against a rock imbedded deep into the ocean-floor, I stayed alive. If not for my own sake, I suppose it was for the sake of Ian; he had never failed to come home from missions I knew even Queen Entraniane wouldn't have survived. For his sake, then, I thought, and struggled once more to swim to the top of the swirling mass of waves that threatened to throw me back down, and throw me down they did; every time. When that effort proved futile as well, I shrank back, deep inside my body, and held onto the sliver of energy I had. Just hang on until he comes, I told myself. Even though I knew there was no possible way Ian would get to me in time, I still had to hope. He knew I was sent to ambush the Clan, he knew I was strong enough to do so with the 80 warriors that had accompanied me, but what he didn't know was that our group had gotten sick. Over half of my warriors had dropped dead, still days away from the Clan, and so I had ambushed the Clan only to be overwhelmed within minutes and given only one option for survival: flee. And so I had. But then an ambush had been set up to ensure my demise, ironic, isn't it? The ambush had easily taken me, as it was over three dozen strong, and they had thrown me into the merciless waves the ocean angrily lashed against the cliff edge. I'd had no hope of living, and I should have died minutes after, but here I was, over eight hours after being sent into certain death. No help was coming, and I knew that, but I had mastered the ability to prolong energy most would use up in seconds to last me days, sometimes even weeks. Even if Ian didn't save me today, he was the one to allow me to live this long, he had taught me this skill, and he was the one person who made my heart refuse to give up. Well, him and our daughter, only fourteen months old. I couldn't loose them, I had to live, and I had no chance, none at all. It was with them in mind that I lost my grip on consciousness and surrendered my body to the waves as they carried me further and further from life; as it took me home, to the end of my life.

By: Alyssa Hellenbrand

Friday, March 23, 2012

Pain - Original Poem

Crushing pain froze my heart
I lay still and waited for it to pass
It felt like forever
Yet it left in seconds
And my mind was left in fear
Of it coming back again.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spongebob Squarepants - Original Poem

Down in the depths
Of the ancient seas
Lived a sponge.

He loved Crabby Patties,
Made friends with all,
But his best friend of all
Was Patrick Star.

A snail named Gary,
His loyal pet,
He played games,
He was oblivious,
And his name was
Spongebob Squarepants.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Patrick Star - Original Poem

Under a rock in a vast ocean,
Lives a starfish named Patrick Star.

He lives in a small town, it goes by the name :
Bikini Bottom
The town is filled, yet also empty.
With a tiny population no more than 100.

He is best friends with Spongebob Squarepants,
The town's best fry cook,
And always wins at Escalators and Eels.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Evading the Clan - Blurb (Original Story)

      Technically I should have been kidnapped 3 years ago by some Seeker wanting to send me straight 'home' to the Clan, but what they don't know is that instead of being normal and getting my powers when I was 13, I got them when I was 10. And in this case, what they didn't know can hurt them because their Seekers are normally young, just two or three years into their powers, and I've already had 6 years of practice.
      That's why I'm still here - safe - where I belong.
      If they knew why I was always able to escape just before the Seekers found me, they'd be pissed. However, I wasn't intending on informing them.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Flowers Bloom - Original Poem

The last frost departed, the snow gone,
Now Spring is upon us and the ground flourishes,
Grass peaks out of the soil, awakened from its deep slumber,
The bugs return as do the birds.

The seeds hidden deep down in the dirt
Grow, feed, and sprout.
The sprouts grow, making their way up,
Adventuring towards the Sun.

The sprouts develop, they form a flower,
And from that flower, a bud, a blossom, a bloom.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand