Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What was it? - Original Poem

Sitting here, looking up modern poems,
Nothing strange occurs until
All of a sudden my ears ring,
My head sways side to side,
And my head feels as if it was filled with water.
Not only I was affected,
For upon looking back to my computer,
The screen had attained a green hue.
What was it?
You may ask me.
I will respond telling you of how a spirit haunts me.
Superstition rules my mind,
The ghosts slap me, they follow me round.
So I believe either the spirit hates me
And tried to hurt me,
Or it walked right through me,
Knowing I would be disoriented.
Haha, very funny,
I hope you do that no more.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

1 comment:

  1. I completely (i didn't spell that right...oh well). uderstand how you feel.
