Saturday, March 1, 2014

Keys of Love - Original Poem

Every heart has the protection of walls,
Some have strong walls made of brick,
Other walls are more similar to those that are wooden,
And some have been far too trusting and are practically straw.

My walls are commonly brick,
Never trusting until they have seen proof
That trust would be a wise decision.

Recently, my walls have been exposed
To the walls of another heart.
This heart has even stronger walls,
Not as easily worked around.

This heart belongs to someone my heart
Has taken a strong fondness towards,
Actually, the proper terminology would be more...

My heart has allowed for doors to be created,
Allowing passage through my walls,
Just so long as the one wishing for passage
Has been granted the keys of trust.

This other heart has the keys in its core,
Now my heart is trying to sooth the pain
That my love has built its walls around.

I plan to find the doors within those walls,
Then my goal is to unlock those doors
With keys only granted through complete trust.
The keys of love.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~