Sunday, March 1, 2015

Break Free - Original Poem

Life is no simple matter
Once the drama is unleashed.
There is no easy escape,
Once the drama is set down.

Yet, there is always hope,
A ray of sunlight on the horizon.

Walk towards that horizon,
And you will surely see,
There is hope in this life still,
If simply you break free.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Life - Original Poem

Life is a tangled web,
Ever-changing under the moon's glow,
Relentless as the sunbeams surround it.

Nothing stays the same for long,
This is not necessarily a negative thing,
Though some may view it as such.

Life brings new challenges our way,
Events to better us and help us learn,
Even when learning is painful.

Embrace the variations in earth's ways,
Let your mind be at peace with what has been done,
Set your heart on a bright star ahead.

Just don't fall apart when you learn,
A star we see is a star that has died,
Yet the beauty is there.

One negative leads to years of a positive,
In regards to the dead star in your life,
But don't forget that learning is key.

Smile through the pain,
Find humor through the sorrows,
Respect all that becomes your


~Alyssa Hellenbrand~