Monday, March 18, 2013

Life is Like a Snow Globe - TeenInk Original Article

Check out my article I wrote that is called: Life is Like a Snow Globe. It is a short article that talks about how life should be taken and how you should focus on what really matters in life.
My comment to this article is:
"Sometimes life gets shaken up, just like a snow globe. You just have to give it a chance to calm back down and let the remains of the falling pieces form the new reality you have been put into."

It Matters - Orginial Poem

It matters
Sometimes to others,
Sometimes to yourself.
It hurts
Everyone even when they hide it.
It sucks
When another picks on you.
It takes nerve
To stand up to a bully
And it means the world
When you do.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~