Monday, July 30, 2012

Moving Day - Original Poem

Shuffle around as another passes by,
Make room while friends come
And ask to help lift something.
Then everyone's waiting around
As the couch is carried away.
It blocked the path,
But we made it past soon enough.
Soon we're driving down the road.
Caution lights flashing,
We drove quite slow.
Dressers and beds
And miscellaneous items all boxed up,
Six vehicles drove to town.

Then the shuffling began again,
More asking if they can help,
We wait for something to carry in
And the couch is once again
In the way.
Every item in the room,
Now it's time to re-arrange.
Hours pass and soon they go.
Leaving me, my brother, and his girlfriend.
We unpacked boxes and found
Where each item should go.
Dusting and cleaning came then.

That was my brothers first
Moving day.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


My future is spinning
Every day now.
College is just around the
And I'm scared.
What new
Lay in wait?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My World - Original Poem

While countless others are sitting near
Someone they cannot bear to loose,
I sit here wishing
I wasn't about to lose
The one I cannot bear to loose.

Often feeling different and somehow not correct,
I seem outside of other teen life
And my world seems like
Another world,
Unlike theirs,
Maybe that is where I am.

The one I love does not know,
Life with me is rather slow and has no
Exciting trips to the beach
Or fascinating adventures around the world.
I don't understand that life.

So am I not normal,
Or are others just faking these memories?
Could they really be just like me,
Is it possible that they are bored and scared,
Do they worry about never letting
The one they love know?

My world is so different.

Or is it just the truth,
Where others' worlds are a lie?

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Confusion - Original Poem

Emptiness engulfs my
Sometimes I need to
Run Away
From the confusion and
In order to think clearly again.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Living to Dying - Original Poem

Living, Growing.
Emerging from the Earth.
Falling, Dying.
Returning to the Earth.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~