Thursday, March 29, 2012

Big Words :)

People reckon I'm too patronizing (That means I treat them as if they're stupid).


Okay, now as you should know if you in-fact do read my blog, I am currently writing a story about a girl trying to evade the Clan which is composed of people with special abilities. Now I must ask something, what would be some good descriptive words I could use to explain a place, time, or an overall appearance? Please comment below with some suggestions. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spirits - Original Poem

Whispering in my ear,
The past echoing in my mind,
My eyes see the spirits roaming now,
I smell the scent of Death,
Touching my shoulders if they need my help,
Spirits are they,
A never-ending mass they are,
Tied down to Earth by some pathetic desire,
I let them come to me and free them,
Then the whispering comes again,
Another's past in my mind,
I see another,
They touch my shoulder,
And it all starts again.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Snake - Original Poem

Run, scream, they're coming soon,
Plead, beg, get help, you fool,
Slither, shake, be gone you snake,
I have no need for you!

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Spring Soul - Original Poem

Trees awaken, they start to bloom,
Animals wake and find some food,
The birds fly back North from where they fled.
People go outside and enjoy the warmth,
While all the while around them I float,
I watch and listen but play no part,
My gaze rakes across the land
As trees now whisper and flowers now bloom,
My soul is stuck here, and that is all I am.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Temperamental Waves - Original Poem

Temperamental waves that wouldn't give,
That was the death of me,
Yet how did I come to reach this fate?
That only I know.
Yet I am dead and cannot tell,
Not of the smile that caught my eye,
You'll never know of the hands I loved to hold.
Never will you understand my pain when that smile left,
The hands withdrew,
Never to come back to me,
At least not after they touched me one last time,
Shoved me away,
Ment me no harm,
Then I fell off the cliff,
Her fearful wails of despair echoed with me,
Then my body hit the water,
Waves thrashed me to and fro,
My head was thrown against the cliff,
Body gone limp,
I released my hold upon my body,
My mind drifted then left the carcass
Of my body floating,
In the temperamental waves.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Excerpt (From My Original Story - Evading the Clan)

My lungs screamed, my heart beat fluttered, and my visioned blurred. Although I knew my energy was failing me and my body was giving up, I held onto what little consciousness I still had and clung on for dear life; even when my back rammed up against a rock imbedded deep into the ocean-floor, I stayed alive. If not for my own sake, I suppose it was for the sake of Ian; he had never failed to come home from missions I knew even Queen Entraniane wouldn't have survived. For his sake, then, I thought, and struggled once more to swim to the top of the swirling mass of waves that threatened to throw me back down, and throw me down they did; every time. When that effort proved futile as well, I shrank back, deep inside my body, and held onto the sliver of energy I had. Just hang on until he comes, I told myself. Even though I knew there was no possible way Ian would get to me in time, I still had to hope. He knew I was sent to ambush the Clan, he knew I was strong enough to do so with the 80 warriors that had accompanied me, but what he didn't know was that our group had gotten sick. Over half of my warriors had dropped dead, still days away from the Clan, and so I had ambushed the Clan only to be overwhelmed within minutes and given only one option for survival: flee. And so I had. But then an ambush had been set up to ensure my demise, ironic, isn't it? The ambush had easily taken me, as it was over three dozen strong, and they had thrown me into the merciless waves the ocean angrily lashed against the cliff edge. I'd had no hope of living, and I should have died minutes after, but here I was, over eight hours after being sent into certain death. No help was coming, and I knew that, but I had mastered the ability to prolong energy most would use up in seconds to last me days, sometimes even weeks. Even if Ian didn't save me today, he was the one to allow me to live this long, he had taught me this skill, and he was the one person who made my heart refuse to give up. Well, him and our daughter, only fourteen months old. I couldn't loose them, I had to live, and I had no chance, none at all. It was with them in mind that I lost my grip on consciousness and surrendered my body to the waves as they carried me further and further from life; as it took me home, to the end of my life.

By: Alyssa Hellenbrand

Friday, March 23, 2012

Pain - Original Poem

Crushing pain froze my heart
I lay still and waited for it to pass
It felt like forever
Yet it left in seconds
And my mind was left in fear
Of it coming back again.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spongebob Squarepants - Original Poem

Down in the depths
Of the ancient seas
Lived a sponge.

He loved Crabby Patties,
Made friends with all,
But his best friend of all
Was Patrick Star.

A snail named Gary,
His loyal pet,
He played games,
He was oblivious,
And his name was
Spongebob Squarepants.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Patrick Star - Original Poem

Under a rock in a vast ocean,
Lives a starfish named Patrick Star.

He lives in a small town, it goes by the name :
Bikini Bottom
The town is filled, yet also empty.
With a tiny population no more than 100.

He is best friends with Spongebob Squarepants,
The town's best fry cook,
And always wins at Escalators and Eels.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Evading the Clan - Blurb (Original Story)

      Technically I should have been kidnapped 3 years ago by some Seeker wanting to send me straight 'home' to the Clan, but what they don't know is that instead of being normal and getting my powers when I was 13, I got them when I was 10. And in this case, what they didn't know can hurt them because their Seekers are normally young, just two or three years into their powers, and I've already had 6 years of practice.
      That's why I'm still here - safe - where I belong.
      If they knew why I was always able to escape just before the Seekers found me, they'd be pissed. However, I wasn't intending on informing them.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand

Flowers Bloom - Original Poem

The last frost departed, the snow gone,
Now Spring is upon us and the ground flourishes,
Grass peaks out of the soil, awakened from its deep slumber,
The bugs return as do the birds.

The seeds hidden deep down in the dirt
Grow, feed, and sprout.
The sprouts grow, making their way up,
Adventuring towards the Sun.

The sprouts develop, they form a flower,
And from that flower, a bud, a blossom, a bloom.

By : Alyssa Hellenbrand