Thursday, December 20, 2012

Life's Challenges - Original Poem

Sometimes it's not easy,
You just need to keep on trying.
Life's full of challenges,
You just have to accept them.
When they come,
And make you stop for a moment,
Re-think your plan.
Just trust another,
Love while you still can,
Never let the world's cruel words
Keep you on the ground.
If you love another,
Look at what you'll find.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mirrors - Original Poem

Some people say mirrors are bad luck,
But only once broken.
Others believe mirrors are wonderful,
But only if they like what they see in them.
Mirrors are just mirrors to me.
I've never thought of them
Any differently than a table.
Tables aren't good or bad luck,
Mirrors are just mirrors.
Face your image with pride,
Try to ignore the insecurities that lurk in your mind.
Realize that a mirror is a mirror,
Your face will never be ugly enough to shatter it,
The image you see looks even better to others,
Especially to those who care.
Just a mirror.
Don't go all crazy.
Look into it and accept the truth.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Random Story Starter I Made A While Ago

The morning light threw fresh beams of light onto my face as the sun rose above the window's ledge. My mind woke as the sunlight warmed my body. I figeted and then stayed perfectly still, enjoying the moments before reality hit. Then, with a deep breath, a sigh, and a huge stretch, I opened my eyes to a bright new day.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Weird Love - Original Poem

When two weirdos
Like you and I
Fall into mutual weirdness,
That becomes a strange type of love
We both cannot deny.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Caring - Original Poem

Never before did I care so much,
I wouldn't sit worrying about someone
Until they responded to a message.
Now if he drives himself home
And fifteen minutes of silence pass
After he should be home,
I want to go and drive to him,
Just to make sure he got home safely.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

I Am Weird And I Know It

"Not often do people stop and want to get to know me, but once they do they tend to enjoy getting to know me better. I may not seem normal, but that is because I am not. I don't hide who I am because others don't like me; I don't stop doing something because someone else didn't have the nerve to be seen doing it; I don't not write or say something because others believe it is a stupid thing to do. For if I let others rule me - How could I be sure of what was me? And how would I know what was someone else?"
-Alyssa Hellenbrand-