Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My Path - Original Poem

A skip down the road,
Strolls through the park,
Frolicking across the meadow.

No matter how I think of my path,
It is no different with variances in
My verbs, nor with my changing nouns.

With every passing day,
Another challenge will come my way.
Some will be easily passed through,
Others will meander deeper into my life.

This does not matter, though.
People can have thoughts against me,
My mind can disapprove of my every turn,
Yet, if my heart is true -

Nothing will take me from this path.

Stay true to your heart,
Enjoy the path with whichever verb
Will get you moving the best.

Be happy with your life,
Find a noun to keep you satisfied;
For life is never easy.

My path seems clear for now,
Let us see what tomorrow will bring,
Shoving obstacles in my way.

I will grow strong,
I will grow happily,
I will grow with my heart being content.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Deep Breaths - When to Stop a Heart (My Original Research Paper)

To live or not to live - that should be a decision no one can make for anyone else. Death should not be in the hands of anyone but the person whose life is in question. When a life no longer has happiness, desire, or motivation; that is when life’s purpose can be in question. Yet, until the full quality of life is practically taken from someone’s grasp, life should be sustained. Euthanasia is possible in animals; euthanizing a human, however, is unthinkable. There are five different ways to classify euthanasia methods: voluntary, non-voluntary, involuntary, active, and passive. Each method has pros and cons, but which is the best? How should euthanasia be performed? Why is euthanasia not a possibility for humans to end their unnecessary suffering, save on medical bill costs, and why did a friend of mine have to see her grandfather suffer when he just wanted to move on?
Euthanasia is when someone is put out of their pain, are no longer forced to suffer, and they are able to be put to rest with the help of a deadly medication. The Greek translation of euthanasia means, “a good death,” does that really sound so bad (Math & Chaturvedi)? Euthanasia should be available to people who are past their breaking point and there is no longer a hope for surviving, no will to keep breathing, and the heart is failing to satisfy their feeling of truly being alive. Animals are able to be euthanized once their owners decide they no longer have a good quality to their life. Yet, euthanasia for humans is a serious concern worldwide in society due to the fact that it can be considered murder. If used inappropriately, yes, euthanasia can be a needless murder of someone who still had a chance.
However, euthanasia can also save the person who is already dying from endless heaps of pain and prevent the ones who love that person from watching needless pain and suffering. It has been stated that, “every person that really suffers unbearably should have the right to end his life” (Kouwenhoven, Raijmakers, Van Delden, Rietjens, Schermer, Van Thiel, & ... Van Der Heide, 2013). “When death is caused upon the request of the suffering person,” this is known as voluntary euthanasia (Diaconescu, 2012). If the person dying can still communicate, then it is their decision to make, but if they are unable to interact and get any kind of message across, their dearest loved ones should be able to decide the path to go down. Then there is non-voluntary euthanasia, “When one ends the life of a person who cannot choose by himself between living and dying” (Diaconescu, 2012). Involuntary euthanasia is the unfortunate method: “When euthanasia is performed on a person who is able to provide informed consent, but does not, because he was not asked” (Diaconescu, 2012). Even though there are people out there that are okay with ending someone’s life without their permission, euthanasia can be used in a pure-hearted way to help others die happily.
Then there is active euthanasia, which is when a “lethal injection” causes the person to take their last deep breath, and their heart stops beating (Diaconescu, 2012). This method allows people to die in a quick manner, and with much less pain than they would have otherwise been forced to cope with. Passive euthanasia may seem like a better alternative to some, but it can cause a great deal of pain; it is when “stopping the treatment [SIC] or stopping the technical medical assistance” causes a person to slowly die (Diaconescu, 2012). Although this method is better to those who have strong religious values against euthanasia, most will see that active euthanasia is the kind-hearted way to go. There is also the concern that there are cases of “organ harvesting” with euthanasia cases (Smith, 2013). Since people can donate their organs after they die, and euthanasia has allowed them to die earlier than they would have otherwise, this can be seen as a form of abuse with euthanasia. However, I see it as if they had died with time: either way, the organs could be used in an organ transplant. Dying, no matter if it is natural or medically advanced, should be the same in every case. Sure, there are different reasons people die, but that never stops organ donations. Organs being taken out is not ‘harvesting,’ it is simply using what the newly deceased will no longer use, and giving it to someone in need.
Medical care, a costly place to venture into; is it not? No matter how wealthy, no matter how poor, when someone has to stay on medicine to survive, that is a very costly experience. Medicine comes with a hefty price, especially when it comes to medicine made to keep someone from leaving this world. Even with countless drugs, therapies, and tests, cures are simply not there for certain health issues. It is sad, do not assume anyone believes otherwise, but euthanasia is a good possibility to consider when the person in that hospital bed is no longer the one keeping themselves alive - it is all about the loved ones not knowing how to let go and the drugs being pumped into their failing system.
The cost of euthanasia is $35, and keeping someone alive with proper health care is estimated to cost around $35,000—$40,000 (A New Zealand Resource for Life Related Issues, 2011). Instead of going into debt, on top of losing a loved one, euthanasia can take away some of the medical bills that were really only there because someone simply couldn’t find the heart to let the person in that hospital bed move on. Saving thousands of dollars is no meager hurdle. Mercy euthanasia– it’s not really a bad thing. When euthanasia is used properly, it is something that can be of great help; the only issue is, how does someone know when it is being used properly?
Lou Gehrig's disease, or ALS, is a sad fate to be forced into. When someone has ALS, they lose their own bodily functions and become a prisoner to their own body. The transition is slow, but that may even make it worse. A friend of mine lost her grandfather to ALS, and she has told me that he was basically trapped inside what had become a shell of his own body. No longer did he have control of himself, no longer did he even get to go to the bathroom on his own, and no longer did he enjoy living. He suffered needlessly because the laws stated that his death would be illegal if he were to be euthanized, even though he wanted to be sent to his death sooner than it was naturally planning to come. This man was forced to suffer while my friend and her family could only watch and wait as he slowly continued to spiral downward.
In a similar case, a woman named Sue Rodriquez had ALS; she knew, “that a time would come when her life would no longer be joyful” (Sullivan, 2005). Sue, in this situation, decided, “she would rather die quickly and painlessly,” with euthanasia as her guide to death (Sullivan, 2005). This is precisely how my friend’s grandfather was facing life after his ALS became more advanced and limiting. By means of euthanasia, people with ALS can be given a chance to die with, “dignity and spirit intact” (Sullivan, 2005). Sue was not capable of receiving her timely death then, simply because there were legal issues stating that anyone who assists with euthanasia would end up in prison. “To avoid these legal complications, she would need either to commit suicide [SIC] or to change the law” (Sullivan, 2005). That is what I am trying to get across to other people: euthanasia is not murdering someone, it is giving them a change to die with dignity and with pride.
Euthanasia is scary to think about, but it can be a humane way to let someone end their unnecessary suffering. When no quality, happiness, control, or value is left in someone’s life, they should be allowed to be put to rest. If animals can be given this option, why can a human not get the same chance? Euthanasia can be misused, this is true, but any drug out there can be if the wrong hands get a hold of it. Therefore, in order to save thousands of dollars on medical bills you might not even be capable of paying, to save pain and suffering on a loved one, and to just be humane – euthanasia should be an option. Euthanasia is not the monster it is commonly made out to be. Some diseases are so bad that people are reduced to a shell of who they once were, just like with Lou Gehrig’s disease. In those situations, why can’t euthanasia be an option?  Taking deep breaths and knowing when to stop another person’s heart is never going to be easy, but with our hearts out in front of us, we can let other people’s hearts cease beating.


A New Zealand Resource for Life Related Issues (2011). Economic Aspects of Euthanasia. The
Life Information Website. Retrieved from http://www.life.org.nz/euthanasia/  
Diaconescu, A. M. (2012). Euthanasia. Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, 4(2),
474+. Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
Kouwenhoven, P., Raijmakers, N., Van Delden, J., Rietjens, J., Schermer, M., Van Thiel, G., &
... Van Der Heide, A. (2013). Opinions of health care professionals and the public after eight  
        years of euthanasia legislation in the Netherlands: A mixed methods approach. Palliative 
        Medicine, 27(3), 273-280. doi:10.1177/0269216312448507
Math, S., & Chaturvedi, S. K. (2012, December). Euthanasia: Right to life vs right to die. Indian
Journal of Medical Research. pp. 899-902.
Smith, W. J. (2013). MEDICINAL MURDER. First Things: A Monthly Journal Of Religion & 
Public Life, (233), 39-44.
Sullivan, W. F. (2005). Eye of the Heart : Knowing the Human Good in the Euthanasia Debate. 
Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Soul Hiding - Original Poem

A girl without
Her Soul.
Her movements
Are scarce,
Fearful and alone.
Even with another,
Her Soul
Hides in the
Pit of endless
It is forcing
Her to live.
This girl
Is actually happy,
Content with
Her Life.
Yet, inside Her...
Her Heart is lying,
Forcing her soul
To retreat.
She is happy,
She is fighting,
She is better,

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

The Open Heart - Original Poem

With so many emotions,
Yet so vacant;
With countless feelings,
Yet none to share.
I am a mess, at times
I am an endless confusion.
My inner turmoil is
As vacant as a dark hole,
Yet, as full as a dark hole.
Even while I am full,
I am endlessly empty.
My heart is desperate to
Hide, show itself,
Cower, stand strong.
My open heart,
Open. Heart.
The open heart is afraid
Of how others will treat it.
How people can hurt it,
Judge it, destroy it.
So the open heart
Is a coward
And numbs the brain.
Keeping the open heart
From showing it's full
Capacity, Compassion,
Lavish, Love.
The Open Heart;
It lives inside...

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, October 28, 2013

Popcorn in the Gunshot - Original Poem

Popcorn, exploding in the microwave
It makes me jump,
The sound so loud.
It proclaims it is there and demands your attention.

Popcorn, exploding in the microwave
Is not really the issue,
For there is nothing scary about popcorn.
The real issue is what it makes you think of.

Popcorn, exploding in the microwave
Makes me jump high,
And cower to the floor in fear.
This popcorn popping sounds like my nightmares.

Gun shot
Another one

Popcorn, exploding in the microwave.
No one cares about that.
It's the hidden meaning that matters.
The sounds of gunshots echoing in my ears.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Friday, October 25, 2013

Temperamental Waves - Original Poem (3/28/12)

Temperamental waves that wouldn't give,
That was the death of me,
Yet how did I come to reach this fate?
That only I know.
Yet I am dead and cannot tell,
Not of the smile that caught my eye,
You'll never know of the hands I loved to hold.
Never will you understand my pain when that smile left,
The hands withdrew,
Never to come back to me,
At least not after they touched me one last time,
Shoved me away,
Ment me no harm,
Then I fell off the cliff,
Her fearful wails of despair echoed with me,
Then my body hit the water,
Waves thrashed me to and fro,
My head was thrown against the cliff,
Body gone limp,
I released my hold upon my body,
My mind drifted then left the carcass
Of my body floating,
In the temperamental waves.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

DNA - Original Poem (Learning Biology in Class, Sorry)

A little twist here,
A double helix there,
Chromosomes everywhere!

No one needs to know of this,
Yet so many can easily learn it,
We are filled with double helix DNA!

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happiness is Fragile - I am a Klutz (NEW QUOTE)

"Happiness is such a fragile thing...one who is a klutz, as I am, should never tamper with it..." - Alyssa Hellenbrand

Friday, August 2, 2013

Depression - Original Poem

Alone without being so
It is not fun
Being this way.

There is no easy
And no one can help
My Pain.

I am suffering
Deep inside my
Where no one knows.

There is something
About my "self"
That suffers
Day in and day out.

I am a mess
My pain is worthless
I have no purpose
Alone I should be.

Depression is crushing
Damning me
Sticking me here again
In my pain.

Feeling alone
Being upset
Pushing love away
Wishing I could be better.

I find this normal.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, July 29, 2013

Some Grow - Original Poem

A walk through town,
Tasting ice cream on
A beautiful day.
The place where it all started.
Distance between the two
Grows less pronounced
As the communication barrier
Is thrown to the ground
And the real feelings,
The real words from the heart
Come out and show themselves
To that one special person.
The one you want to hold the hand of,
A person you could see a close friendship
Growing into something more.
Dreams like that are possible.
They're coming true every day,
Some may
Fall down the drain,
Washed away with as little care
As last night's dinner going through
The garbage disposal.
However, some grow
And flourish beautifully
Much like the blossom of the
Finest flower in all the lands
Opens up to the beauty of
Endless possibilities.
Open yourself up
To that one possible chance
At what you hope to be love.
Take that risk and don't look back.
Forget about the pains of the past,
Don't worry about experience...
Just be yourself and hope that the other
Will appreciate that and open next to you.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Friday, July 26, 2013

Endless - Original Poem

Time, thoughts
The amount of pain you can suffer through
And still make it out alive.

People you can lose
Some that you will
And all of the tears you will shed for them.

Memories, recollections
Things no one else will ever know
And lessons you get to keep.

All of these are endless,
Everyone dies off eventually.
Just remember the endless moments,
The times you spent together,
The lessons learned,
Memories foolishly created,
Thoughts you shared with no one else...

Non other than with the one now lost.
So many tears
Time to let go now,
There's an endless amount of time still to come.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Time and Friendship Means Changes - Original Poem

The mind is always rushing around,
Never is there any completely sturdy ground
To simply stand on and know:
It's going to be okay.

Time changes things,
I hate to tell you that it's true.
Remaining friends after amazing life changes...
Well that's not so easy.
Friends, we made our vows
As we stepped forward on graduation day.
"We will always remain friends"
That was clear as night and day.

Yet as summer months rolled on by,
The friendship we once shared became sad and dry.
As I see them in public places once or twice,
They seem almost strangers,
A face I know...
A person I do not.

For over 10 years I had a best friend.
She and I spent countless memories together.
We were there for each-other
And we vowed until the end
We would need no other
Since we had each-other.

Yet here I am,
Most of summer has passed.
We are now just two people
In the scheme of life.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

My Two Proudest Poems - Original Poems


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Time & Life - Original Poem

Time is priceless,
There is never enough
But sometimes too much.

Emotions fill most of it,
Life fills the rest.
Learn how to glide in time.

Make a difference,
Bide your time.
Enjoy living the time of your life.

You get no other
The life you have is yours.
A bad day is a waste of time.

Grow stronger from the past,
Don't stop loving you,
Believe in the future.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Exhaustion and Relax - Original Poem

Exhaustion drags your eyelids
They droop as if like
A flower petal with fresh drops,
Rain weighing them down,
Lowering them with time.

As the eyelids are forced to close
The mind relaxes
Just as the morning chatter
Of birds in the trees,
The breeze drifting here and there,
Calms and refreshes the peaceful mind.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rarity, Need, Necessity - Original Poem

There is always a breeze,
A gust of wind; if you may.
Yet rarely is it taken to notice
Due to it's failure at rarity.

Kindness is always out there,
An everyday occasion in life.
Yet very seldom do people notice
How much we absolutely need it.

A touch, a smell, a whisper around the world.
Everything has a necessity,
Nothing is out there without a purpose.
Relish in the feelings while they're there.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Perfection Disease - Original Poem

I am not perfect,
No one truly is.

Yet everyone expects that perfection...
The one no one can ever completely find, hold, and obtain.

Remarkable, is it not?
We spend our lives searching for something unreal.

Perfection is like a disease in our minds that forces us to never settle,
While looking for perfection we are restless in what we have.

Just like any other mind disease,
The issue of perfection can - and must - be overcome with patience.

Ignore the way we seem to need the best,
Move forward with what we have with a swift, caring, trustworthy step.

Find your little piece of
Almost-there perfection.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Demise of My Smile - Original Poem

Running away from the ones I love,
That is my personality.
Trying to distance myself from the ones I care for,
A mere safety my heart and brain force.

Around the ones I love
There is pain and suffering
Both mental and physical
I try to avoid all of the ways I cause pain.

From physical violence,
Purposeful or accidental -
To mental pain caused
From my distance I seem to need...

All of that is a mere safety precaution.
I hate hurting people I care about,
Yet a part of me seems to not be able to escape
The tendency I have to fear intimacy.

"Push them away!"
"Never let them near!"
"You're a monster!"
That's what my mind chooses to hear.

I hate this part of me
With every inch of my being.
From early on in life,
My anger has always been near.

It hides in the shadows my mind creates for it,
Lurking around the happy thoughts
And planning the demise of my smile.
Every time - It succeeds.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Past and Future - Original Poem

Times are good,
They are flying past,
Will they last?
I hope they can.

Memories are remembered,
Futures are dreamed,
How much is real?
Only time will tell.

I love to believe the good
Forget the bad
Is that wrong?

Yet life moves on,
Dreams are made,
Is this the truth?
You bet it is!

So go live your life,
Dream to the fullest,
Can you do this?
With out a doubt!

Embrace the past
Accomplish the future
Will this be done?
It's all up to you!

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, June 3, 2013

Graduation's Bright New Tomorrow - Original Poem

Thirteen years have come and gone,
Countless hours and memories are past,
From my shy encounter with students as I started Kindergarden
To the shaky steps I took away from my mom's safe hands
Into the world of knowledge and people
I would soon grow to rely on and trust to get me through the days.

As I wandered through Primary school
Into a world of laughter, tears, and new beginnings...
That was where the journey began.

Becoming myself came with time,
The walks through Elementary school had me set on a path,
That was where my goals started to form.

Middle school was no easy task as people changed all around,
Puberty hit and hormones changed my friends,
That was where the real friends were uncovered.

The drama and pain hit with High school,
Yet countless memories I will cherish forever were made in those halls
That is where my school chapters end.

I faced graduation with a grin,
My heart heavy with the sorrow of a lost yesterday
But with my mind filled with the promise of a bright tomorrow.

Friends were made after a time,
Best friends grew to be after many withdrawals and issues.
Sure, everyone has their own memories of school,
These are mine.

Pain was suffered,
Friends were made,
And now it is time to keep those memories true
In our hearts as we move forward,
Make our mark in the world,
And strive to become who we were destined to be.

Graduation is never the end,
It is similar to a re-birth,
Just without actually being re-born.

With graduation behind,
New memories must be made now and friendships will be tested,
What will the future bring?

It's time to step into my bright tomorrow
And uncover the world as it waits for me.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Being Yourself - Original Poem

Being yourself is never an easy task,
To be yourself you must
Fight the criticism
Defend your feelings
Trust your heart
Depend on your brain
And destroy
Other's ways of changing you.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Path - Oringinal Poem

Following the path
When it suddenly moves
Directs towards a new future.
You follow that path into the unknown,
Through bushes, trees, flowers, and ivy.
These show the hardships to come,
The beauty of life,
And how life lives on.
Emerge from that path
Become a new you
And never look back,
It's too late to change.
Your mind must be in the now.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, May 13, 2013

Memorial Day Soldiers - Original Poem

As this holiday approaches,
Remember those we have lost,
Think of what our military has done for us,
Smile through the losses,
Cry for the pain,
But always remember this was their wish,
To stand tall,
And free,
To protect those who they loved.
Now they watch over us,
Protecting from elsewhere
And in our hearts we remember
They will never be lost
For our hearts will never forget
The soldiers
Who are our survival.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~
"Everyone is a genius until they become morons." - Alyssa Hellenbrand

Friday, April 26, 2013

Protecting Arms - Original Poem

Endlessly I fall,
Down through the pain of it all,
Past the bad memories,
Tears, heartbreaks, and loss.

Then I am caught.
Gentle arms of love caress me,
Prevent me from falling into the waters
Of endless depression and loss.

To these arms I go,
Trusting them to protect me,
Giving in to their comfort and care
In order to remain happy.

Nothing protects me
As these arms can endlessly do.
Unless they choose to fail me
And throw me back to the pit of sorrow.

For now I remain safe,
Cozy and warm with my protector,
Happy and strong,
Building my self strength and confidence.

If these arms never fail me,
I will never again fall,
The pain will be endlessly worth it,
For with these arms I adore...

My smile is once again,

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Dream - Original Poem

When I close my eyes at night,
I dream a dream that makes me grin,
It never truly leaves my mind,
This dream is unlike the others.

No thought can occupy my mind
In the way this dream can.
The dream has a meaning,
I know.

What the meaning is,
I do not know.

This dream is full of mystery
And suspense.

It knows no end,
It has no start.

My mind cannot
Stop this dream!
~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Monday, March 18, 2013

Life is Like a Snow Globe - TeenInk Original Article

Check out my article I wrote that is called: Life is Like a Snow Globe. It is a short article that talks about how life should be taken and how you should focus on what really matters in life.
My comment to this article is:
"Sometimes life gets shaken up, just like a snow globe. You just have to give it a chance to calm back down and let the remains of the falling pieces form the new reality you have been put into."

It Matters - Orginial Poem

It matters
Sometimes to others,
Sometimes to yourself.
It hurts
Everyone even when they hide it.
It sucks
When another picks on you.
It takes nerve
To stand up to a bully
And it means the world
When you do.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

TeenInk Poems

Here are two new poems I have published on TeenInk.com , please give them a look and rate them, don't forget to comment and let me know how you feel they are!
Destroying Earth
Hold On

Click on this link: ALL OF MY PUBLISHED WORK and you will see every poem I have had published to TeenInk as well as my photos. Thank you for your time, enjoy!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bullying Destroys - Original Poem

My body has met many surfaces;
It has been thrown against the wall,
Pushed to the floor,
Smashed into the lockers.
My mind has met many attacks;
It has been sculpted to believe I am worthless,
Pushed around and made to self-loath,
Smashed into fragmented pieces of what it once was.
Bullying has tested my strengths,
Weakened my once-strong barriers,
Broken down the confident girl I once had been.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bullied to Bully - Original Poem

As I am shoved to the wall,
Thrown to the floor.
Shoved into a locker,
Mocked and teased,
Hurt both physically and mentally,
I stand back up and shake it off.
A bully gets no greater joy
Than seeing the bullied down.
As a victim of bullying,
I say stand back up,
Stand against the hurt,
Get help from another,
Support someone being bullied,
Do not throw the bully back.
Leave the walls alone,
Do not throw others to the floor,
Keep people out of lockers,
Restrain yourself from mocking and teasing,
Do not become a bully
As you try to escape that very issue.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Us Together - Original Poem

There is darkness and there is light,
There are smiles and there are frowns.
Yet every time I look at you,
There is a shining path of love
Opened up for you and I,
Shining with the smiles we have exchanged,
Lit up with the promises that hold us together,
And kept together by the feelings we share.
In the darkness you give me light,
I send my smiles to end your frowns.
Every time I look at you,
There is a shining path of love.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~