Friday, April 20, 2012

What's The Point? - Original Poem

Even when my hope is gone,
Even when I cannot stay strong,
You hold onto the belief that I can be better.
When I am collapsed,
When I am ready to die,
You hold onto me and make me better.
Through the good,
Through the worst imaginable,
You hold onto the bond we have and I know I can be better.
Knowing I can be better,
Knowing you can make me better,
You move in closer and make me realize how I can become better.
Together, we agree,
Together, we move forward,
You and I clasp hands and raise them high in the air, already better.
Once someone asked me, "What's the point?"
Once I had no answer,
You have given me the answer.
The point is that we can grow,
The truth is we can always improve,
You have shown me that, and now I tell you know.
When you wonder what the point is,
Well, look around,
You can become better for those around you, and for yourself as well.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

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